2018-08-17 Misc @en

The Conference & The Festival

Exploring complexity!
The Conference is a two-day exploration of human behavior, new technology and how to make things happen. Think of it as diverse perspectives and the opportunities in between. Amazingly talented humans from all over the world, from different spheres and of different opinions, will share their intriguing projects and mindblowing theories to help you navigate the complexity of now and beyond. Practically speaking, expect anything from brain scientists to economists to artists to chefs.

The Festival!
Whereas The Conference is two days of super-curated talks at the Opera, The Festival is what we’d call “an intense smorgasbord” of workshops, seminars, food, culture, music, master classes and festivities from which you can customize your own experience. All signed, sealed and delivered by speakers from The Conference and brilliant minds from our community.

Most festival events will be for free and anyone is welcome to register. It doesn’t matter if you’re attending The Conference or not. The Festival is for everyone interested in the now and beyond.

Info, program, tickets to be found here!

The Conference dates: September 4-5, 2018 – Malmö.
The Festival dates: September 1-7, 2018 – Malmö.