2013-10-31 Events

Networking breakfast with Företagsakademin 3.0

6/11 kl. 8.00 – 10-00 (breakfast from 07.30)

Circular economy is about future proofing your company through improved materials and new, innovative business models that works in a circular way. As a consequence it leads to better resource efficiency which also is better for the environment. It’s a win-win situation, says Tobias Jansson at CircularEconomy.se who will tell us about the circular economy on the breakfast event.

Michael Aastrup, Nordic VD at DESSO will also attend the event and he will talk about their journey to the circular economy. In 2008, the carpet company DESSO set their production in accordance with Cradle to Cradle-principles and have since then increased their profit. Their mission is about seizing the waste material and re-use it in the manufacturing process to make new carpets to their customers.

Here you can watch the video of how the key principles in circular economy works in an insipiring and simple way.

Where: Media Evolution City, Stora Varvsgatan 6A
When: November 6th kl 8.00-10.00 with breakfast served from 07:30.

Register here no later than November 5th
